
fearnoun // an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm caused by someone or something.

You didn’t ask the lonely boy at the bus stop if he was okay, because you were afraid of his response. You didn’t tell your parents about what happened the other night, because you were afraid they wouldn’t understand. You decided to skip church last Saturday, because you were afraid of rejection. You ________________ because you were afraid. You fill in the gaps. But the question is, would you do it if you were not afraid?

Fear is something we cannot control and although we may not be able to have the ability to pick and choose what we are afraid of, we can decide how we react.

“Throw yourselves into the world and make your voice count. Do not be afraid of fear or the unknown, because it sharpens you, it challenges you and it makes you stronger. When you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self.”

How will you ever know unless you don’t try? I’m not suggesting you go and smoke that cigarette because you simply want to confirm that they taste terrible. Rather, I’m suggesting you step back and look at things from multiple perspectives – rationally and emotionally. Recognise the different angles and consider them all first. Don’t be narrow-minded and be paralysed by your fear. Try new things and allow yourself to experience the beautiful things life has to offer, so that when your time comes you can look back at your life and have no reason to say, “God, just give me a couple more minutes, I forgot to…”

Keep smiling. x

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