
Last week I witnessed a friend of mine taking a stand in front of a group of people at a worship service. He stood up in front of everyone and poured his entire heart out. He was not only struggling, but finding that life was just throwing way too much at him to handle. There wasn’t enough time to let God in and he wanted to recommit to God in front of everyone and asked for us all to pray for him. 
I found myself tearing up as I heard him speak. Only moments before, I had mentioned how he always looks so happy, always with a huge smile plastered across his face. Little did I know what was really going on beneath the surface. I felt a wave of emotions all at once. I had assumed that this guy had his life together, that he was content and happy with his current position. I was so, so wrong.
In one of my earlier blog posts The House with the Pretty Garden I wrote how “people are like houses; the ones with the neat and pretty gardens are often a mess inside”. Everyone is fighting their own battle. Life might not be the same for you or me, but one thing remains the same – as soon as you think you have it all together, life just gives a little smirk and thinks ‘haha just kidding’.
Once I got home that night, I was in bed and turned to Psalm 46. In short, this is what it says:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…God is within [him/her], [he/she] will not fall; God will help [him/her] at break of day…be still and know that I am God”.

Whether you have already committed to God or if you are struggling with your relationship with him, I encourage you to wholeheartedly recommit not just today, but everyday. Everyone may be facing something different, but everyone is facing something, so just remember that you are not alone. God’s light will always prevail over the darkness that the devil is shadowing you with.
Keep smiling. x

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