How Believing in Santa Reminded Me to Have Unashamed Faith
My sister and I sparked weekly debates on the school bus, trying to convince kids that Santa was real. Our parents went the full hog when it came to Christmas time. We had a Santa Claus beard in our dress-up box that they pulled bits of white hair out of and stuck in the door, as though he’d gotten it caught when dropping off our presents.
5 Things You Need to Start Doing Before It’s Too Late
“Life is fragile.” “YOLO!” “No regrets!”
You’ve heard it all before, right? But the cliches start to hit home when you hear about or experience a tragedy.
Here are 5 changes I am intentionally making in my life, before it’s too late.
Dear Mum, There’s Something I Haven’t Told You…
Words are important. For me, individual words that stand alone beg to be carefully strung together to create something powerful and meaningful.
Often, we talk too much, but sometimes, we talk too little. This post is all about the latter. When we say things too often, they tend to lose meaning. But in the same breath, if we fail to say things enough, we tend to take it for granted. We need to remind those who are close to us how valued they are; how cherished, special and loved they are.
In honour of Mother’s Day, I wanted to share something special that I have asked a few people to help me with.
The Power of Proximity: What an Ed Sheeran Concert Taught Me About Faith
Picture this: your favourite singer has arrived. You’ve been waiting for this moment for what seems like forever. To see their face, up close, in person. This is literally what dreams are made of. Of course you have just paid over $300 for a ticket to their concert. Front row seats, duh. None of that ‘up the back’ business. You need to be in their presence. This is the real deal.
I paid $165 to attend an Ed Sheeran concert a couple of weeks ago. Most people would shrug that off saying, ‘yeah that’s about right’ – particularly those who were in the mosh pit. Let’s be real, it probably would have been more than double what I paid.
Crazy hey. Just to be up close and personal with someone. To experience it from a different perspective. To be in close proximity. To intentionally position themselves to be near this person they desired so much.
So why is it so different when it comes to God?
The More the Merrier: Why It’s Not the Case When It Comes to Friends.
Something I remember so vividly on my last day of school is that one line all your friends would say: “I’m going to miss you so much!” followed by my personal favourite, “we will keep in touch”. Yeah, we all know how that ends, right?
I hate losing friends, but the last year or so has challenged me to determine which friendships I need to continue putting effort into (or try harder) and those which I should stop completely. I prayed hard for clarity and here’s what happened.
12 Life-Changing Lessons I Learnt in 12 Months.
As the New Year is well and truly underway, I spent the last few days reflecting on the experiences I encountered in 2017. From fearing the unknown to celebratingthe little things, the last twelve months taught me a lot, so here’s a little recap of the life-changing lessons that I have learnt.
what I learnt from singing with strangers.
Have you ever had one of those weird experiences while driving?
You’re driving on the freeway. It’s 100km/hr. There’s this one car cruising at 90, so you decide to overtake. Fast forward a few minutes and they’ve magically decided to drive the speed limit. Now they’ve overtaken you and within a matter of seconds, you’re tailgating them. Before you know it, it’s this game of leap frog. It’s awkward, hey?
Or my personal favourite – you’re matching speed with another car and awkwardly make eye contact. One of you speeds up, but then suddenly you’re both stopped at the same set of lights. Yep, can confirm I feel you cringing from here.
Well, I have one to add to my list. One that had never happened before.
spoiler alert: you’re not a big deal.
And here we are, making it all about us. Time and time again, without fail. It’s just so easy. For some reason, we have to make sure we leave all the baggage, put on a mask and pretend like we have it all together. We have to dress a certain way, post the best picture out of the hundred we have taken and let everyone know where we’ve been and who we’ve been with. I mean, did you really go to Bondi if you didn’t post a picture of the Bondi Icebergs? #DoItForTheGram.
Real talk though. I do all of these things and more. One thing that I constantly tell myself is: “I don’t care what other people think”. But the funny part is that the one thing I know I tell myself, but don’t really mean is: “I don’t care what other people think”.
Yep, I’m a full time people pleaser. To see perfectly curated social media feeds. To compare one lifestyle to the next. It’s no longer just a quick filter or photoshop, it’s “lifeshop”. We pick and choose the best parts and conveniently (intentionally) skip all of the heartache, the pain and the daily struggles.
But why? To achieve what? To be happy, or to appear happy?