Dear Mum, There’s Something I Haven’t Told You…

Words are important. For me, individual words that stand alone beg to be carefully strung together to create something powerful and meaningful.

In honour of Mother’s Day, I wanted to share something special that I have asked a few people to help me with. Often, we talk too much, but sometimes, we talk too little. This post is all about the latter.

When we say things too often, they tend to lose meaning. But in the same breath, if we fail to say things enough, we tend to take it for granted. We need to remind those who are close to us how valued they are; how cherished, special and loved they are.

So that is what this blog post is about. Here are some words that my beautiful friends have strung together in an attempt to show their mums just how much they mean to them.

Dear mum, there’s something I haven’t told you recently…

// jessie schilling

she listens to the buried stories,
drawing gems from this trove within

she sees the inconsistencies,
speaking truth with love and clarity

she nurtures in her hospitality,
extending care through the culinary

she prays protection over me,
this life i lead away from family

she shares what i write,
but she reads between what i say

she speaks into my life,
crying when i ache

she disciplines with love,
encouraging me to grow

and i don’t know how
she let me go

i don’t know how
to love her so

Mum and Daughter

// kim parmenter

Dear Mum, there is something I haven’t told you recently…

I just want to thank you for giving me the best gift I’ll ever receive. You taught me about Jesus and helped me find my own relationship with God. Your love and trust in God inspires me and has made me the person I am today and I’ll forever be grateful. Happy Mother’s Day!

Mum and Daughter

// aimee shipton

Dear Mum, I’m going to warn you now, you may want to get some tissues because knowing you, you will cry. There is something I haven’t told you recently…

You are such a strong (apart from the fact you’re probably already crying), selfless, kind and sometimes, sort-of-funny woman. I love you more than words can describe.

You always put others before yourself and that is such a rare quality to find. You put up with Jess, Dad and I, and honestly, some days I don’t know how you do it; they can be annoying.

You deserve an award, but that is not enough to thank you and commend you for all you do for others, even if they don’t realise it. You are the best human, Mum. I love you to the moon and back.

Mum sitting at cafe

// Karina Merkel

Dear Mum, there is something I haven’t told you recently…

You are the most selfless person I know. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without your care, influence and support.

One of the best things you have ever done for me is to never hold me back – enabling me to become my own person and learn from my own mistakes.

You have, however, always been there to offer me guidance when needed and I can never thank you enough for this.

I am very appreciative of all your hard work and the sacrifices you have made to allow me to be able to travel and pursue my dreams, with the comfort of having a home to come back to.

I can never doubt the love you have for me and our family. I hope you always know that the love I have for you is never ending and I would hate to imagine a world without you in it.

Mum and Daughter

// Bryson Partridge

Dear Mum, when I was asked to write something I haven’t told you recently, I was actually a bit upset with the list of things that came to mind straight away.

So I guess the biggest one is thank you. But not the ‘thank you’ as in “thank you for dinner” or “thank you for doing my washing” – I mean the thank you for being you.

Thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for listening. Thank you for doing things for me, knowing full well that you probably won’t ever receive any recognition for it, not just once, but hundreds of times.

For all these things, plus all the things you have done in secret, thank you! I hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day.

Lots of love,

Black and white image of mum sitting in church

// Connor Phipps

Dear Mum, there is something I haven’t told you recently…

I still need you now as much as I did when I was little. I try to do everything on my own; sometimes I’m not even sure why, but I do.

Yet even though I act that way, I still see myself as the young kid that couldn’t sleep until his mum was home. I don’t know if I’ll ever get better at accepting help or acting like I appreciate it, but I just want you to know, I definitely do.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. So whenever you try to help and I suck at just saying I’m wrong and letting you help me, please remember I’m still that dumb little kid you raised and I will always need you – no matter what I say or do.

I love you, Mum, I always will.

Mum and Son

// Angus & Emma McDonald

Dear Mum, there is something we haven’t told you recently…

You’re awesome! When we think about the time in a week, for over twenty-five years you have spent forty hours each week working as a registered nurse. And somehow in that mass amount of time you spend helping others, you have time to fit in catching up and helping your own extended family.

You find the time to take care of us, your twin twenty-year-old babies, and be there when we need you. You even sometimes help us to run our errands and find the time to spend with our dog (who is quite a handful).

Through all of that, you somehow manage to sit down with us and watch My Kitchen Rules for family time. You are the most awesome human, and we have both been blessed abundantly to have you as our mother.

We may be biased, but you are the best mum in the world, and we love you so much.

Mum and Twin children

A very happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful, selfless mums out there. Thank you for always putting us first, even when we don’t deserve it. The special love and care you have for your families do not go unnoticed and we appreciate everything that you do.

Keep smiling. x

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